Friends of Lancaster Singers

Sponsor our choir

Friends of Lancaster Singers

Are you a lover of music and music making; keen to encourage and be part of exciting musical developments in the area?

We would be delighted to welcome you as a member of our Friends’ Association. Our Friends scheme is designed to give all our supporters and associates an opportunity to become more involved in what we do and offer the vital financial help needed to keep our concerts and music making to a high standard.

Support by our Friends is crucial and we are deeply grateful to them.

As a Friend you will:

  • Receive advance information about our concerts
  • Have reserved seating at concerts when possible
  • Be invited to join us at social events
  • Be included on our list of Friends on our website and in concert programmes when applicable
  • Be invited to come and listen to open rehearsals
  • Receive regular newsletters about choir activities.
  • Be eligible for a 10% discount on ticket prices for concerts promoted by Lancaster Singers.
  • Be eligible for discounts on workshop fees

Corporate membership:

If your Company would like to join as a Corporate Friend, we will also include a listing/logo of your company in our programmes when applicable and on our website as one of our regular sponsors.


Membership subscriptions are:

  • Individual    £20
  • Student        £10
  • Household   £25
  • Corporate    Three Levels: £250, £750, £1500

Annual subscriptions commence from 1st September; Friends who join from March onwards pay a half subscription until the renewal time. We are a registered charity and subject to your agreement are able to reclaim tax you have paid on the value of your subscription at no additional cost to you. 

See our sign up form to print.


Marilyn Pooley
The Beeches,

Tel: 01524 811606


Friends of Lancaster Singers

Individual Friends

Mervyn and Vivienne Bonnett
Elizabeth Cole
Elizabeth Falkingham
Len and Mavis Fletcher
Barbara Hacking Douglas
David Hutchison
Andrea King
Audrey Mitton
John and Pamela Nickols
Russell Richardson
Peter Sampson
Mary Stone






Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Lancaster Singers